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We are proud to have worked with organizations, ministries, development cooperations and others in more than 60 countries. A wide range of clients and diverse assignments has given us a deeper understanding of the necessity to approach each new case with an open mind.
We work for international and bilateral donor agencies and have specialized in institutional and organizational analysis and audits.
Swedish Development Advisers AB was founded 1985 in Gothenburg, Sweden. We combine practical experience from managing private and public organizations with experience from working in emerging economies. Since we began, we have served some 60 clients in more than 400 projects around the world. Click on the heading above to read more about our team.

Åsa Königson
Managing Director Tel: +46 705242517
Åsa is an organizational expert and institutional development consultant with a recognized ability to analyze and describe complex issues and help clients find their own solutions.

Anders Pettersson
Anders is experienced in organizational reviews and audits and in helping civil society organizations develop. He has also worked with public organizations before joining SDA.

Jonas Lövkrona
Jonas is an economist and governance specialist with more than 15 years experience from bi-lateral and multi-lateral development cooperation work. He has significant experience from ...

Gabriella Olofsson
Gabriella Olofsson is a real-time evaluation specialist. Gabriella has almost 30 years experience from working with human rights, gender children's humans rights, child protection and children's participation...

Lars Dahlström
Lars has broad hands-on experience of organizational change and restructuring processes. He has been a management consultant for more than a decade prior to which he was managing director for ...

Steinar Jahre
Steinar has a long experience as a managing director in private companies and substantial experience from the advertising, media and communications industry. He has designed, managed ...